martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Chapter 1: Ashtray Bitter / Cenicero Amargo

Start of the 2words1draw challenge!
The goal is quite simple, with two random words you'll have to create one totally freestyle draw. Easy, isn't it?
You have one week long to finish it, would you dare?

Empezamos el reto 2palabras1dibujo!
El objetivo es muy sencillo, con dos palabras aleatorias tendrás que crear una imagen con técnica totalmente libre. Fácil no?
Tienes una semana para terminarla, te atreverás?

"Después de Jasón" by Fran Barrionuevo

"Cigarrabo" by Marc Borrás

"Colillas flotantes" by Frantekera

"El cenicero más amargo" by David Reyes

"Don't feed the birds" by Krzysztof Obara

"Vicio amargante" by Robert Segovia

"Ashtray head" by Jordi Moreno

"Last drink" by Rahenys

"Ceniceiro" by Carlos Solans

"Bitter Bath" by Jose Roses

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